I wanted to write about this almost a year ago just so I'll know where to look if I wanted the procedure. But I got too lazy to put it down. The process is itself exhausted me and I didn't want to go though the whole thing by writing about it. But now when I'm applying for it again, I didn't know where to start, how to start and when to start. So here it is, the procedure to apply for a Student's Bus Pass in the city of Coimbatore at Gandhipuram.
Let me warn you about something, this in one lengthy procedure. And if you tell me that you got it done by skipping a few steps then I'm happy for you, for you need to be lucky to get it that way. For the rest of us, I'm sorry to say, it is the following steps:
1) Get a Certificate of Bonafide from your College. Most of the colleges have a separate type of Bonafide just for Bus passes, the colleges which do not have their own college buses. And also have a photocopy of your Ration Card/ College ID card if it carries your house address, as an address proof. (Get this done by 3rd of the month)
2) You need the above two proofs to 'get the bus pass form'. Yes, you need them to get a form which I'm sure is hardly worth over a rupee. This form is generally called the 'Grey form' simply because it is grey in colour. Oh yeah, by the way, the form will cost you five rupees. (By the 4th)
3) Fill this form, stick a passport size photo and get it attested from your college principal or whoever is responsible for signing such stuff. This will usually take a while. (By the 6th)
4) After getting this attested, you need to go to the main bus stand, stand is a huge queue along with the bonafide certificate, address proof and the grey form just to discover that they are simply collecting it. Now, if you're a girl you need to stand only for one evening and if you're a guy and an unlucky one in that, you may have to stand for a couple of evenings to get it done. (By the 9th)
5) They'll probably tell you when you ll get the Bus Pass ID card which is commonly known as the White card (even if sometimes it is yellow in colour) and you need to get back with them on that day. And if they don't you need to check with then every single day. (By the 12th)
6) Once you get the White card, you need stick a stamp size photo and get it attested in your college. (By the 13th)
7) With this White card, you must go to the main stand, stand in the queue for a couple of hours, pay the amount printed in the white card and get your pass. This last step, you will have to repeat every month before the 15th of that month.
I know it is one huge, never-ending procedure. But then when we come to the whole reason as to why we get a pass, it is worth it. I mean. I save almost Rs500 every month just because of the Pass. So my advice would be, don't try to skip any step for it may only lead to delay the end result.
Good luck with getting your Bus Pass!